
Advanced Health LTD

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things that should never be done to treat hemorrhoids

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, there are many things you can do to find relief. However, there are some things that can not easily be aware that their condition may worsen and prolong the healing process. If you suffer from hemorrhoids, there are some things you should try to avoid, no matter how hard the temptation!
The first is to avoid eating spicy foods. Spicy foods are very nice to eat, but nice, not once have passed through his body and exit through a bowl movement. Spicy foods can cause further irritation to hemorrhoids that can cause them to sting.

When you experience itching and irritation, which is our natural instinct to scratch the affected area. However, hemorrhoids scratching will make it much worse. If your hemorrhoids cause itching, which may be because the area is not clean. Therefore, we recommend cleaning the infected area or by using a bath towel or use of medicines. Clean the area with luck could stop the itching. Ice packs may also help remove the itching by numbing the area.

The effort to go to the bathroom is a major cause of hemorrhoids and effort while suffering from hemorrhoids is known only to make the matter worse. If you find that you are straining more often, or are suffering from harder stools, which would be a good idea to try a stool softener or laxative. More natural ways of softening the stool would be eating foods rich in fiber and drink plenty of water to help flush waste through your system with less difficulty. You may also find that the lubrication of the area around the anus of you can help. Try to place a small amount of petroleum jelly in and around the area of ​​hemorrhoids to help fecal matter out of its body a little easier.

Advanced Health LTD

You may have heard that sitting on a cold step can give you hemorrhoids, but it seems that there is some truth in this. Sitting for long periods on hard surfaces should be avoided especially if you suffer from outbreaks of hemorrhoids. The pressure of the hard surface can cause bursting of hemorrhoids. There are rings inflatable pillow that are available for purchase that are specifically designed especially for people who suffer from hemorrhoids. These pillows tend to look like mini rubber rings.

Both caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics and drain the body fluids and makes it harder for waste to pass through the body. Caffeine and alcohol should therefore be avoided if you are suffering from hemorrhoids, especially if the hemorrhoids are in an active state. While many of us may find this difficult, it may be easier to limit our consumption of caffeine and alcohol and increase intake of water, while suffering from hemorrhoids.
Never touch the area with dirty hands, and that error can become infected with bacteria of the hemorrhoid. An infected hemorrhoid is very difficult to cure.

What does a hemorrhoid look like?

While it may be embarrassing to talk about your hemorrhoids, you can find several websites online with pictures that can answer the question: what hemorrhoids look like? Depending on the type of hemorrhoids you are suffering from, hemorrhoids can be different from those that are viewing online.

Like most people find embarrassing hemorrhoids, a lot of people have not really seen a hemorrhoid. Most people also would be very difficult to see yours!

If you can imagine their anal opening and a closed fist, then imagine a marble or a group of small pebbles that sticks closed fist, then this is the simplest analogy to the question, what is a hemorrhoid, as. Depending on the type of hemorrhoids, internal, external, prolapse, thrombosis, size, location and extent of the infection level of hemorrhoids, the appearance will change, but the initial shape and the look will remain the same.

Hemorrhoids appear bright red, purple or skin color bumps on the skin. If open, bleeding or oozing, you can find red streaks in the stool or mucus in the area.

Advanced Health LTD

Hemorrhoids are classified into four different categories depending on the gravity that everyone can be very different.

Internal hemorrhoids can be very difficult to see even when it stands alone as most return to their place but after a bowl movement. A fourth degree hemorrhoids however, continue to protrude outside the anus.
External hemorrhoids, however, says that are round or flat, like a marble and looks like the excess skin. When we work hard and put pressure on that area and hemorrhoids become more pronounced and can be easily seen.

External hemorrhoids can become thrombosis or clots can be dark red or almost purple. At first it might seem like a marble with blood red or purple in the same group. This is because the clot formed in this type of hemorrhoids. This also may seem like a grape or grapes. If not removed or cured, dried and look like raisins.

As you can see, hemorrhoids may look very different at different stages of development. If there is severe pain that prevents you from going to the bathroom or if you have a lot of bleeding, it's time to see a doctor.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are more commonly known as piles. Hemorrhoids are itching, pain or bleeding bodies or groups ("cushions") of the swollen tissues and varicose veins in the anal canal that contain blood vessels and surrounding tissue of support provided by the muscles and elastic fibers. Although it can be very unpleasant and painful for most people who have, fortunately, can be easily treated and in most cases are preventable.

Since the condition of hemorrhoids almost always tends to worsen over time, health professionals say they should be treated as soon as they appear and the treatment safe, gentle and effective for hemorrhoids can be given as soon as they occur .

Although most people think hemorrhoids are abnormal, are present throughout the world. It is only when the hemorrhoidal cushions increase that hemorrhoids can cause problems and is considered abnormal or a disease.

Many people suffer from hemorrhoids at some degree. The older you are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids as well however, this does not mean that young people and children can not get them. Hemorrhoids are more common among men than women, although women are more likely to get when you are pregnant and can stay with her later.

Advanced Health LTD

Hemorrhoids can occur both within and above the inside of the anus. May also appear externally beneath the skin of the anus.

Internal hemorrhoids occur when too much pressure on the internal hemorrhoidal veins. Often the only sign that internal hemorrhoids exist is bright red blood that appears on the surface of the stool in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper. But if the pressure and swelling continue, the hemorrhoidal veins may stretch out of shape, sometimes, that protrude through the anus outside the body. The pain is usually not common in internal hemorrhoids, unless they form a blood clot or an infection occurs.

External hemorrhoidal veins around the anus may become inflamed, causing external hemorrhoids. These swollen veins bleed easily, either stress or rubbing and irritation of the mucous drainage can cause itching in the anal area. If blood clots form in these hemorrhoids, the pain can be intense.